Large display format makes frontlights highly effective.
Frontlights are situated near high-traffic roads or town entrances, in city centers and also next to shopping malls.
Main advantages:
Poster size: customized External size: customized
Construction produced from galvanised steel. Panels are made of galvanised steel. The frame is made of plastic or steel painted in RAL colors. Stainless steel or aluminium frame are an option. Frontlights can be designed as wall-mounted or freestanding constructions: single or double-sided version (also in a V-configuration).
Frontlight illumination is based on halogens and metal halogens, fluorescent tubes or LED.
In a standard way, a paper poster is glued to the panels. During long-term campaigns, self-adhesive foil can be used in order to provide better durability and longer resistance to bad weather conditions.